Thursday, May 14, 2015

Faking the Golden Hour

Here's one way to fake the orange glow that everyone wants.
Let's start with a picture of me taken on an overcast day.

First, we're going to fix the contrast a bit using a levels adjustment layer.

Next, we're going to create a curves adjustment layer with the following settings:

Next, create a new blank layer, and fill it with #f68e56. Set that layer to screen with an opacity of 20%.

Next, create a color balance adjustment layer with the following settings:

Your final layer will be a brightness/contrast adjustment layer with the following settings:

Finally, you will need to create a layer mask (this button ) on each layer except the color balance and levels layers. These layers will automatically have masks which won't do anything as long as they are kept white. On each mask, use a soft black brush (I keep mine set to 50% opacity) to remove the effects of that layer on the people in your picture. Here is what your final layer palette will look like:

And here we have our final product:

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